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The Roadmap

Have a seat, grab a coffee, and let's talk about this awfully exciting journey we'll be on. Yes, a journey that will last for 100 days and we'll be travelling through the valleys of JSX, the yards of AVL trees, and seasides where Nanami-San wanted to be.(JJK reference, anyone?)

What's the plan?

Around a year ago, I came across a tweet from Matt, the urban TS legend, where he wrote about an exercise of building a christmas tree using recursion in React. Well, he did that in Vue. However, I thought why not merge these two genres together and bring forth a symphony that can really help others visualize the concepts and for real gain the wisdom.

Christmas Tree problem
The Christmas Tree generated using recursive functions in react.

Still not convinced? Well, let me show you another example. This time, we'll be creating a folder structure using the recursion. There are a plethora of such visual structures that you see everyday and we'll be creating them all. Yay!

Why not you try it and ping me back, ashishk I would love to see how you create it.

Christmas Tree problem
The Christmas Tree generated using recursive functions in react.

Now, if you feel interested and want to learn more about the concepts, then let's dive in and get you signed up. BTW form is attached just below somewhere near, check it out!

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